They were standing there, in the midst of beauty all around them, arms wrapped tight in a warm embrace, the wind blowing softly and flower petals gently falling. They smiled, they kissed, they laughed, they joked just as they have these 33+ years of marriage they’ve shared together. Life has been hard and it has been good and they’ve held together firm through it all. These laughs, these secrets, these forehead kisses, this commitment, this love has held them together through years of foster care, raising children, adoption, moving internationally, building a home and a ministry, and even through cancer. They’ve held on tight to each other and looked up to Christ every step of the way. He has given them the grace and strength to still stand.

This amazing couple, most refer to as Wanda and Daryl, but I get to call them “Mom” and “Dad.” It’s been three and a half long years since I’ve seen them in person and since they’ve seen my children-their grandchildren. COVID has cost so many so much and I’m so grateful that, for me, it’s only cost us time not seeing each other in person. It wasn’t only COVID that kept them away. My mother fought the battle of cancer so gracefully and beautifully and I’m so glad that God chose to heal her. Oh, the tears of joy when we learned that she was cancer-free!
I’m so glad they took the opportunity to come to the states and visit us for a few days! There’s nothing like getting to see your children share the snuggles you shared when you were a seven-year-old sitting beside my dad while watching a movie or getting the same winks throughout the day from my mom that tell us she loves us. We had so much fun talking, playing, crafting, eating, and of course I took the time to snap a few photos for them. It’s what I love to do, and I found the prettiest trees that were intimate for capturing such a loving couple.

I know that I say that every session is a blessing to me (because they all are!), but what an honor to get to photograph my very own parents. They took me in when I was a little girl in great need and loved me just as I was. They taught me about my Jesus, how to drive, how to have a healthy and happy marriage, how to live selflessly, and taking pictures for them is the smallest gift I could give to them.
I hope you enjoy watching their happiness in these photographs as much as I do. I sure hope and pray that in 26 years, my marriage will have just as much happiness and love as theirs does!