To the two who made me a mama, the two who each took half of my heart with them when they burst into the world,
to my Allison Marie and my Titus Daniel.
May you start this new school year with the love of Jesus in your heart, the support of mom and dad behind you, and the courage to be no one but the amazing you that you are. May you never doubt who you are, where you’re going, or where you come from. You were “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) You are perfect just the way you are, with all of your quirks, your personality, your silliness, your love, and your imperfections. You are going to reach the stars and keep them as your own; they are all yours. You are so smart, you are so gifted, you are so believed in that you can accomplish anything you put your minds to. You come from an imperfect home filled with love, hope, dreams, and learning. We’re still learning so many new things about life and I pray that you learn them right along with us. May you never be too proud to ask for help when you need it and make sure you keeping asking all the questions.

“I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now.” This quote frequently pops into my mind as we sit around the table eating dinner, while I’m watching you play outside and ride your bikes or splash in your pool, or I hear you up in your rooms giggling and imagining. I always prayed for God to bless me with a husband someday and, if He saw fit, children. I never could have imagined the children I would get to call mine. Their beautiful brown eyes, their long eyelashes, their red hair, the one pair of dimples they make up together, their contagious giggles, their tender hearts, and their awesome personalities.
I know that (most) everyone’s kids go to school and people may roll their eyes at the parents who post pictures of their growing kiddos moments before they’re sent off on their first days of school. I know that it’s a part of life and everyone does it. I also know that they’re still my responsibility and school isn’t just free daycare. They’re being thrown into a whole new world where they can easily be influenced, indoctrinated, and even bullied. It’s also a whole new world where they can learn so many new things and have the gift of knowledge, where they can discover a new love for things they hadn’t given thought to, where they can make the best of friends. It’s such a huge part of their childhood that they’re remember forever and I’m always trying to make sure that I’m doing it all right by them. I lived through trauma and school was my only safe and constant space. I am so thankful that I get to watch my children walk into school with hope and joy, without a doubt that they’re taken care of, they always have a stable home, and that their needs will always be met when they get home.